Saturday, January 19, 2008

TUESDAY -MAY05- 2009

===========ENVIRONMENTAL -REALITY============
(((1))) DLK's ---technological united theological--- universal life line ((Reality Line)) "Thermal Rift" Absolute Zero Consciousness Time-Stream looped multiple Reality State memory field descriptive definitive brainbody Mindbody -[BLMC-LLmf-LF]- Life Line multiple mind-set Mind Set conscious networked established understanding of Man's reality actuality.
(((2))) Individual ---developmental--- Reality Line and multiple Reality Line environmental realization and understanding focused Conscious Perspective.
(((3))) A technological Consciousness Time-Stream scientific recognition of Man's -[brainbody BLMC-LF-LLmf]- theological descriptive Essential True timeless --Fundamental Real timely-- BEC environmental realization--understanding conceptualized as THERMAL ENERGY and MATTER DEFINITIVE Universe or and universal life line *MIND* Creation--Creator descriptive God.
(((4))) A matter -energy- matter energy -energy matter- BEC PARTICLE WAVE ENVIRONMENTAL ---CONSCIOUSNESS THERMAL LOOP STREAM CONDITIONAL--- universal life line multiple mind-set Mind Set memory field --DEVELOPMENTAL-- multiple Reality State peculiar Consciousness Activated Memory [CAM] RECOGNITION OF Man's UNIVERSAL _here_ timely timeless 'now' CONSCIOUS ACTUALITY.
(((5))) A LIFE LINE FUNDAMENTAL technological exploratory CONSCIOUSNESS -(Time-Line)- Time Stream -multiple- environment peculiar -timely timeless- Reality Line descriptive DLK ---universal life line --E=mc(squared)-- Bose-Einstein Condensate BEC-particle wave CAM=T DEFINITIVE--- CAMV ((Consciousness Activated Memory Vehicle)) established UNDERSTANDING OF ESSENTIAL UNIVERSE.
(((6))) A fractional Reality Line [fRL] by fRL compiled multiple Reality State Reality Line [RL] ---universal BEC-particle wave life line Time Stream perpetual CONSCIOUSNESS half-life streaming Thermal Rift descriptive--definitive Consciousness Memory Activation [CAM] technological established--- understanding of Man's continual continuous cosmic developmental FORGED REALITY EXISTENCE.
(((7))) MINDBODY CAMV ((Consciousness Activated Memory Vehicle)) life line Reality Line ---multiple Reality State--- universal CONSCIOUS--DEVELOPMENTAL ACTUALITY and EXISTENCE ESTABLISHED DEFINITIVE UNIVERSE.
(((8))) Perspective "UNIVERSE" understood by way -means- of the Human brainbody's ---three Consciousness Time-Stream nature natural individual conscious -[LL-fRLmf]- multiple mind-set (Mind-Set) Life Force Mindbody relationship functional--- fractional Reality Line [fRL] Reality Line [RL] identifiable ((FOUR)) states of developmental awareness established actuality...
.....The Real Time Reality Set State --The Real Time Reality State-- The Probable (Real Time) --planetary Reality Network ~~consciousness networked~~ probable Real Time [pRT]-- Reality (set) State and The Reality Creation -('NOW')- Transition State.
(((09))) Mankind's multiple Reality State ---Reality Line divisible--- Universe.
(((10))) A question -- a key -- an answer -- a doorway.
(((11))) The one survival understanding ---Survival Question--- with more then-than ten- billion answers.
Final Edit
May -05- 2009


Unknown said...

You, my good sir, are completely off your rocker. Why so many acronyms?

---The DLK--- said...

WATER -- H20 -- ICE -- HAIL -- SNOW -- RIVER -- OCEAN -- STREAM...
Get the point Flatworlder!